I know this probably a rehash of previous threads but the search function is going haywire and I don't feel like sifting through several pages, sooo fuck it.
How many of you have ever been caught browsing porn/masturbating/etc. by non SO or friends? I've never been caught jerking off(at least to the best of my knowledge) but I have been caught browsing through various porn sites. I was looking through porn(had the browser on the Tittyboard and was d/ling movies off of Kazaa) when my brother taps me on my shoulder and asks me whether I can go get dinner or not. I hadn't even heard him come in. I attempt to 'casually' minimize Kazaa. An uncomfortable silence follows. After he leaves I realize that my IE browser was still open(I stopped looking at my monitor just before Kazaa was minimized) on the Tittyboard, displaying pictures of a well endowed female. On the brightside, I hadn't had developed an erection or whipped my penis out at the time.
I wasn't really embarassed but rather more angry that all of my sibilings and parents had insisted on walking into my rooms without knocking. After that I invested in child safety locks which I have to use in order to 'lock' my lockless double doors.
What about you guys? Any awkward or embarassing stories about being caught?