I go to an urban school. I hear the words N***** an d"Negro" thrown around without any offense intended or taken. I hear racial slurs used to describe everyone. One of my friends is nicknamed "Tyrone" because of his resemblance to the character from Pulp Fiction. From his presence, many of my friends throw around racist language without a second thought; nobody means to offend, nobody takes offense. I'm one of the few who refuses to use those words. In most cases, I believe that if we all refused to be offended by words, they would cease to be offensive, but I refuse to lower my standards and use the language of hate.
Originally posted by Manic_Skafe
So how was race created? Is it something created by nature? I think not.
Race is a collection of superficial physical differences created by the evolution of various people to be better suited to their environment in various parts of the world; the total genetic difference between you and any other racial group is approximately 0.000017% or less, if I remember correctly.
Originally posted by The Original King
Okay... you win. I'm gonna have to keep talking. First off... The money we use in the USA has value. It is backed by the gold kept in Fort Knox.
The gold standard was ended by the Nixon Administration.
Originally posted by la petite moi
How should I present my argument to get her to stop?
Assuming she's mature enough to see a bit of violence (and Ed Norton being gang-raped by neo-nazis,) watch American History X with her. Tell her that I recommend it to anyone who doesn't think that hateful speech is a problem. Mention that friends who do it aren't right. Watch her reaction as Spoiler:
a kid is gunned down in a school bathroom because he didn't realize the harm that came from his hateful views unti lit was too late. See if she gets the point.
Originally posted by The Original King
Racism for animals would be like a panther hating a leopard because it had spots.
This is one of the best descriptions of racism I've ever heard. I'm going to use this whenever the subject comes up.