Thread: You win some.
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Old 12-26-2003, 08:06 PM   #17 (permalink)
is awesome!
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Originally posted by Ustwo
I didn't say I liked Bush's socialistic tendencies now did I? But again you fail to make a point. We KNOW the economy is growing at a record pace, thats in the numbers. You talk about other numbers, well then show them, show how horrible Bush has been and how the babies are starving in the street. Don't do what the left did in the global warming thread and pretend to have numbers but only have lies. Come forth with your wisdom and showith unto me these foul crimes of neglect of the evil Bush.
Bush has socialistic tendencies? Fascinating! And contrary to pretty much all popular thought on the man. Maybe you can PM me about that as it's off-topic.

I think the economy is gradually improving, but to say it's roaring like never before is a contrivance, and rather transparent one this close to an election. It's also harmful to many who can't find jobs or the kind of high-paying jobs with benefits that can support a family. I'm not a clearing house of economic statistics.

I didn't ask for an explanation of GDP and what that actually means or how it actually helps put food on dinner tables or make mortgage payments. Since you are hellbent on getting some numbers I'll provide some I found with only the most lackadaisical internet research:
As of 4 months ago:
Homelessness Reaches New Levels - 3.5 million people, 39% of them children, currently experience homelessness every year. 60% of all new homeless cases are single mothers with children.
There has been a 40% increase in the Berkeley, California homeless population over the last two years. New York City has reported a 42% increase over the last two years, Boston a 37% increase, Los Angeles, CA a 47% increase, San Diego, CA 41%, Washington, D.C. 39%, Seattle, WA. 43%, Portland, OR 36%, Chicago, IL 47%, St. Louis, MO 34%, Atlanta, GA 40%, Tampa, FL 46%, St. Petersburg, Fl 45%, Miami, FL 49%, New Orleans, LA 41%, Phoenix, AZ a staggering 56%, with most other major cities reporting at least a 25-30% increase over the last two years.

41% of all homeless are single males, 41% families, 13% single females, and 5% being unaccompanied minors. The homeless population is estimated to be 50% African American, 35% white, 12% Hispanic, 2% Native American, and 1% Asian.

An average of 23% suffer from mental illness, 38% suffer from substance abuse, 10% are veterans, and 22% are employed.

Over 40% of homeless persons are eligible for disability benefits, but only 11% actually receive them. Most are eligible for food stamps, but only 37% receive them. Most homeless families are eligible for welfare benefits, but only 52% receive them.

Published reports suggest that most homeless families with children are headed by single women between the ages of 26 and 30 who have never been married and have two children. According to one study, homeless women are significantly more likely to have low birth weight babies than are similar poor women who have housing.

Lack of affordable housing leads the list of causes for homelessness, with mental illness and lack of needed services, substance abuse, low paying jobs, domestic violence, unemployment, poverty, prison release, down turn in economy, limited life skills and cuts in public assistance being the other top reported causes.

The average wait for public housing was 19 months; the average wait for Section 8 certificates and vouchers was 21-23 months. 45% of cities have stopped taking public housing applications in at least one assisted housing program due to extensive waiting lists.
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