I wasn't tooo terribly impressed with either the 2nd or the 3rd Matrix movies, although I did like them nonetheless. But I agree that one of those 2 movies should shove either T3 or The Hulk out of the way without a doubt!
The special effects in T3 and The Hulk were impressive of course, but they couldn't even compare to some of the mind-blowing stunts that they had in the Matrix sequels!
I saw the Hulk and I practically fell asleep 10 minutes into the movie! The story is just tooo BORING. I know that I was too riveted to the screen while watching ROTK to even so much as blink, so that definatley deserves a spot there and I hope that it wins!
Too bad at least 1 of the Matrix sequels weren't nominated but oh well I guess, they were still great movies and better than a few that were nominated instead of them....But, what can ya do right??
....stupid oscar people!