Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Terminator 3 had far more impressive Visual Effects than either of the two Matrix sequels (yes I loved the Matrix films too).
That's crazy! Terminator 3 had quite possibly the most embarassing special effects I've seen at the theater. Some of the scenes in the movie were downright horrid. The action scenes were great, but the actual CGI is a different story! I swear some of my PS2 games had better graphics than the huge crane scene, especially when it flipped over. Blah. I hated Terminator 3, but I'll at least admit if it had good graphics -- but I have to disagree.
The Matrix films did up the bar. Return of the King did an equally impressive job in the CGI department. The fact that the Matrix films didn't even get nominated is an absolute joke. As a matter of fact, the
only film that has rivaled the Matrix movies in terms of CGI is Return of the King. HULK? HULK??? There's no arguing here, my PS2 games DO look better than that shit.
This is a very, very sad day. Media fanatics have gotten to the point where nothing they choose or rate is even worth looking at anymore. I loved the Matrix films; I thought the last two were much better than the first -- but that's not the point. The point is, these movies are still unparalled when it comes to blending together real-life PEOPLE with CGI. I'm still amazed at this. HULK???