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Old 12-26-2003, 06:50 AM   #37 (permalink)
A Storm Is Coming
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Location: The Great White North
Originally posted by The Original King
I smoke because I don't care.

It's just that simple.

It is possible to be healthy and be a smoker. You all do realize this? I eat well, go to the doctor, ride my bicycle everyday, rock climb. There is a big misconception that if you smoke that every other part of you life is unhealthy. I am very healthy... I just choose to smoke out of pure pleasure.

Give me a break. I'm sorry but that is so bogus. You may have other lifestyle components that are healthy but these don't offset the multitude of negative impact of smoking to your lungs, heart and most other organs in your body. Your addiction is talking for you. It is also the sign of other problems.

Like any addict - and smokers are addicts - your subconcious convinces you to think you like it. I know, because I was a smoker and quit 14 years ago. Coke, smack, whatever, it is an addiction and all the rules apply.

It took me numerous times over many years to quit and I finally had to include therapy to really underatnd why I smoked. That's what did it. And if nothing else, I now think what I do with the $2,000 a years the habit costs. Put that in a bank account and you'll have several hundred thousand bucks after 30 years that will rock your world.

Just think about it and do a little research. And please accept my apologies for preaching about the evils of smoking. Nothing is worse than an ex-smoker, which I said many times until I was one!! ;-}
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.

Stangers have the best candy.
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