I'm sure you've heard this over and over in the past, but in all honesty, it isn't about the caliber it's about shot placement. I've read stories where people killed a grizzly bear with a shot from a .22 rimfire.
However, there are very few people (if any), that would just completely miss all their shots, but a person who is indeed a bad shot, would WANT a big knock-down round to make the bad guy think twice. So, because of that, you go for the biggest round that you can handle.
I've seen people shooting .44 magnum revolvers with very short barrels, and when you watch them, they're so terrifed of the noise, the recoil, and the flash, that they can't shoot for crap. This is why I say, "the biggest round you can handle".
But anyway, enough rambling. I'd choose the .45
Have a good 'un!