The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, better known as those guys who give out the Oscars, released the list today of the seven films that will compete for the visual effects award and one sure thing wasn't included. Despite producer Joel Silver's claim that the MATRIX sequels would "raise the bar," apparently seven other films raised the bar even higher. Joel Silver assistants beware of flying cell phones today cause neither THE MATRIX RELOADED or REVOLUTIONS were nominated. The films that beat out the MATRIX for nominations were THE HULK, RETURN OF THE KING, MASTER AND COMMANDER, PETER PAN, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, TERMINATOR 3 and X2. Strangely enough, THE HULK's visual effects work was widely believed to be one of the reasons the film did so poorly as bad word of mouth on the look of The Hulk spread. THE HULK and PETER PAN were surprises but perhaps the biggest surprise was the aforementioned exclusion of REVOLUTIONS (the one film out of the two Warner Bros submitted for consideration). Apparently the news shocked heads at Warners in addition to the rest of Hollywood, which had expected to see a showdown between MATRIX and LOTR. It's speculated that REVOLUTIONS was not nominated because its effects were very similar to the original film (which won the Oscar). But that's just the talk around town and we'll never really never know why the film didn't get a nomination. It's got to be disappointing news for WB and the Wachowski's whose trilogy was tarnished by disappointing reviews, underwhelming box-office and now the lack of an Oscar nomination for the one thing it prided itself on. The F/X studios competing will submit a 15-minute reel of the film's effects and the final nominees will be announced at the end of January with the rest of the Oscar noms. -JoBlo.com
This is just wrong, but hey, at least peter pan is in the running! Because we all know flying effects are new to hollywood, peter pan is new to hollywood...
Ships and more Ships! M&C, Peter Pan, Pirates.
T3....didnt T2 win for best effects? Werent the effects similar?
LOTR does have some amazing visual effects and belongs here.
The hulk...no need to go there, its way to easy. X2 is a good choice for a nom.
30+ minutes of inner city war in the Matrix Rev, a 100 person plus brawl, a fantastic car chase sequence, the twins etc etc and more etc. I am extremely perturbed at this news, it shows the oscar people need a thicker perscription.
Cant hurt to sign this....