There are those who flip the burgers with advanced degrees, definitely. I knew a guy with a master's in psych who worked every years as a department store Santa. That was the most stable employment he had.
But keep in mind that all advanced degrees are not equally good for finding work. Master's degree in anthro? Lotsa luck. Master's degree in library science? Well, maybe so. It's a degree that qualifies you for a real job, one that exists in just about every town of size in the nation.
Thing is, once you have that degree, all you've got is yourself in the door. Actually breaking into the field is going to require a lot of hustle: banging on doors, research, and a willingness to maybe move a long distance for a job at low pay, at least at first. I would talk to a couple of librarians, frankly, were I you, to find out what's waiting for you after the degree. Then make your decision.