Originally posted by Wile E
Your views are fine, EXCEPT that you worded them in a way that was derogatory and unnecessarily rude towards others. Ones own personal beliefs are sacred, and are not to be discussed in such a manner.
If you care to give your thoughts in an intelligent manner, please feel free to do so, otherwise just pass by these types of threads.
I wouldn't want anybody to call your beliefs, whatever they might be, to be a cult like activity. Nor would I want that to happen to others in here.
Hopefully anybody continuing in this thread can do this as well.
I don't think it is possible for theists and atheists to have a rationale, logical discussion, without stepping on eachother's toes. I also think that theism and science are fundamentally opposed. Science operates on standards of logic and evidence. Theism operates on faith despite a lack of evidence.