the only reason for a bubbler is use in the undergravel filtration system... which is one of the better systems there is for a small set up like your tank. Keep in mind your selection of tropical fish is pretty limited in a 10 gal. tank, and that gold fish fallow a 2 gallons per fish inch rule unlike tropical fish which are 1 gal per fish inch. As for plants, i have had a terrible time with them and they are very challenging in my oppion, and really even more challanging in a small tank like yours. reading the posts above, you do need to have a charcol filter in the during the intial build up of the undergravel set up to remove nitrogen from the water... nitrogen is what kills your fish. good luck and dont be afraid to post ?s if you have them...
No, they arnt breasts, they are personalities, because its ok to like a girl for her personalities.