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Old 12-24-2003, 11:37 AM   #117 (permalink)
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Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Originally posted by Endymon32
Superbelt can not win the "Iraq was Wrong" argument so he commits the fallacy of changing the subject.

You should run for office as a democrate, you would fit in with the rest of the canidates.
Endymon cannot win the "uzbek is right argument" so he commits the fallacy of changing the subject. You should run for office as a republican. You would fit in with the rest of the candidates.

The important thing to remember is that whenever faced with criticism from someone you don't agree with, call them a liberal and put words into their mouth.

Endy, how can you pretend to care about human rights and democracy on one hand and then turn around and express casual justification for the u.s. support of saddam juniors. If we were in some bizarro world where saddam was our friend of convenience(like the bizarro world of a couple of decades ago) you would be justifying our friendship to saddam because "politics make strange bedfellows". Do you realize that? Maybe i'm putting words in your mouth, but explain to me how that interpretation of your argument is wrong. Man, if i had a dime for every time i was labeled an "appeaser" by someone talking out of the right side of their mouth... Is it humid in here or is that just the irony?

Explain to me how anyone who shares your opinion on this matter can even pretend to put the spread of democracy and human rights ahead of political convenience?

Please don't bring up anything about the happy, newly liberated iraqi. I think we can all agree that they are better off. I 'm more concerned with your lack of concern about the hypothetical newly liberated uzbekistanian.

Last edited by filtherton; 12-24-2003 at 11:47 AM..
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