Have not been able to post in awhile as I have been REAL busy, but I have missed you all.
Anyhoo...is it me or does every Christmas seem to have less and less meaning? Hell....it's not even considered Christmas anymore it's HOLIDAY in most peoples eyes.
I like to help others in need this time of year and I found a site where people post different shit. So im searching in the wanted posts time to time and come across a young lady that asked for a tree for Christmas because she didn't have one nor could afford one.
I e-mailed her and said I would be glad to help and offered to buy her a tree(I don't even have one myself). Well we got to talking on the phone and she told me about the rude replies she received regarding her post. She was called selfish, told to get off her ass and get a job...etc. She has a job but it barely pays the bills. I bought her a nice tree, a pointsetta and gave her $20.00 for decorations....she was VERY THANKFUL!
So I come across another post of a women asking for help with her autistic daughter, she asked for a gift or two...nothing fancy crayons and paper would do she said.
I read some of the replies to her request and was horrified at what I was reading.
I wish I was a single mother so I could get free shit you bitch.
It must be nice to have a kid so you can ask for free stuff on Christmas, maybe you should not have gotten pregnant.
ETC....ETC....ETC... nothing but rude comments.
I got in touch with this women and yes she had an 8 year old autistic daughter and was just laid off from her job. She was a little aprehensive when I called her and I found out why. It seems some men offered to take her shopping if she would have sex with them, give them oral....etc. God help us all!
She was a single mother not by choice but abandoned by her husband, but it seems people ASSUME that if she's single and a mother she wanted it that way. Hmmmmmm....I always thought it took two to have sex(well maybe not with the technology we have today).
I don't know what point im trying to make or if there really is one but isn't CHRISTMAS about giving and helping others who are less fortunate the yourself? I know there are scams and alot of them this time of year, but I play my gut feeling and it usually is correct.
Some families are in bad situations through no fault of their own....SHIT HAPPENS....they can't help it. And it's even more hard on them when they can't provide for their own children during this time of year. I could not even imagine what must really go through their minds when they realize their children get nothing for Christmas.
Anyhoo, maybe the point im trying to make is if you see or hear of someone in real need and it pisses you off that they ask for help and truly humble themselves to ask for that help instead of making a shitty comment or judge them...SAY A PRAYER FOR THEM, and if you can't do that..SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Ps. I offered HALX $100.00 of the money for TFP I usually set aside for helping others during Christmas and he refused and asked it to go to those in need.....THANKS HALX...you made someones Christmas.