Originally posted by BentNotTwisted
Alcohol is legal. That doesn't mean I'm going to come into work drunk.
With one noteable exception here, it seems this is a non-issue. Those who want to smoke want it leagalized, those who don't smoke don't care if it's illegal or want it legalized to reduce the waste of tax monies to fight it. Maybe someday the politicians in both Canada and America will get a clue.
being one that smokes....i would rather see it decriminalized as apposed too legalized.
i just wanna have a hoot without the bullshit.
if i smoke in puplic.....just like alcohol,give me a fine.
(in canada we're not allowed to drink in the open...ie:walking down the street with drink in hand)
either way....i drink alcohol at home and i'm still gonna smoke at home too.
i rule my world.....not anyone else.