Sure, I will try.
Everything in your world came from you and is merely an distorted fragment of yourself. In this way, you would sort of be omnipresent, a little piece of you would be in every nook and cranny of your universe. Because it all comes from you, in a way, you are omniscient about your world; you know everything there is to know; you wrote the rules. Well, you wrote the rules, so that makes you omnipotent doesn't it?
Well this part made me get the idea that we have a god that created all the rules and put the whole world together and therefore has knowledge of how the system works, understanding of how each event is caused and even the ability to foresee future events. Yet doesn’t have the knowledge of the experience of the whole system. Therefore such a god would not actually be fully omnipotent (as in knowing EVERYTHING) but would simply know a hell of allot more then any one else can possibly know. I applied this same train of though to all the other qualities of god. In the end I came up with an image of some one that was the grandes being rather then the ultimate being.
To try to explain this again. I envisioned a god that was the greater then any being in existence yet not greater then the greatest being conceivable…if that makes seince…ahem..yah