Stupider things have passed, media corporations are very powerful, politicians are greedy, the DMCA is still knocking around, the RIAA is still able to proceed with prosecutions, just they say at more cost and time, which is their way of saying the courts/politics caused all this extra cost, not us.
Is anyone winning against the RIAA, sure they may not be able to get information from verizon or such in the smae way, but how much will that change, do you think they'll just give up ?
Presumably they are making people admit they stole music and made them pay for it, rather than the typical corporate way of paying and at the same time saying, we didn't do anything, wrong, or at least admit to nothing and if you want the money, we'd prefer to settle.
Once thats happened, its going to be a lot harder for people to overturn the rulings, a signed confession in a lot of ways, i'm sure the RIAA's lawyers are very careful about how they went about it.
Theres no such thing as freedom in regard to countries and citizens, just varying levels of control.
Soon there will be so many of these things , it'll be impossible to figure out whats legal and whats not without a team of lawyers, already the patriot act is making it more costly and harder to run a business here, this makes other countries look more appealing.
Hopeully it'll only be america that does this, we'll see if they bully any other countries into signing up too.
As CPUs get faster and cheaper encryption algorithsm will get harder, and presumably stupid mistakes like the DVD encryption codes being left out in the open will be less likely.
They are using the whole, the new media is being held back til its figured out, this is true to an extent, companies don't want to give out easily reproducable digital media that sustain their business model, more than half the time revenue comes from back catalogue.
I do think the corporations will win eventually, its just a matter of time and how, the law is on their side. People in general do have a habit of just accepting it/