Heya guys/gals. Never really struck me that you guys might be interested in a bit of my "work". I'm an admin for the TFL in canada (though I don't live in canada). It's a lan league which the best of the best from toronto and surrounding play on lan for a multitude of games/prizes.
Anyways, I recently finished my 5th movie for TFL, it is an all counter-strike movie, i'll hope to expand to the other games from the events, but for the time being I've been sticking with cs. If you play, and are on gamesnet, our channel is #TFL . All the download links are on our website --
www.torontofunleague.com .
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy, I'm always looking for some constructive critisism =).
WE've gotten 900 hits in the last 2 hours, links are gunna be slow for the next day or two.