Originally posted by Fire
time for the age old debate- what pistol cartrige is the best- .45, 9MM, .40, .357, or something else?- jump in w/ your opinion and lets have it out- may the best gun win.
To clarify parameters we are looking at home defense/personal carry, with the best acuracy and stopping power being the primary factor, but also considering control, overpenetration, and any other factors you guys wish to discuss
Well, personal opinion here but, first off we must assume we are talking about the same kind of round for each caliber. Loaded with the same ratio of powder and pushing the same kind of bullet.
The 9 is a fairly light round with a more limited recoil than the other rounds so time to get back on target is is less. The 45 has a little more recoil and is also a little louder. The 40 has a faster muzzle velocity which means you don't get as much force for the stopping power, tends to go through more before slowing down. The 357 has a lot of stopping power, but the recoil and the noise put it down on my list. Shooting in a narrow hallway will make the ears ring like crazy with lound shots.
home defense - I would go with th 9mm, 45, 40, then the 357.
personal carry - 45, 9mm, 40, 357
accuracy (time to target) - 40, 9mm, 45, 357
stopping power -357, 45, 9mm, 40
control - 9mm, 40, 45, 357
penetration - 357, 40, 45, 9mm
That's how it breaks down for me. Personally I carry a .45 and my wife has a 380 (9mm short).