There's a bunch of bullshit in that quote. I've heard of the SSSCA before, and while it is a small threat, it would never happen. Well, I suppose there's a small chance that it could, but it wouldn't last long. Previous Windows operating systems wouldn't be affected with it (Windows Longhorn was the first rumored to come "bundled" with it) and *nix systems WOULD be allowed. I don't know where that information came from on the site, but it's all exaggerated big time. Of course, I may be wrong, but about a year ago this news was a big deal. Since then, it's basically died away.
The scary part about it is that AMD and Intel have already agreed to support this act along with Microsoft (if it actually goes through). I'm not sure if this has changed, but a year ago they agreed on the beliefs of the act.
I'm not afraid of it one bit. If it passes, it won't last. Consumers won't allow their privacy to be sliced in half by computers. Look what's happening with the RIAA -- there are already dozens of legal action cases be brought against them, and they're simply against music! Imagine how many cases will start if entire OS's have anti-privacy programming installed on it.
Either way, everyone remembers what happened when the consumer world found out about the "extra" log-in in Windows XP. It was a pipe that could potentially feed information about your computer usage straight to Microsoft. Not long afterwards, the Windows XP Anti-Spy was released that basically killed everything about XP that users were worried about privacy-wise. I imagine that the same type of utility will be constructed if this policeware idea comes into play. I'm not worried about it!
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert