Originally posted by filtherton
Whether this whole iraqi business has any long term effect on other rogue nations remains to be seen, either libya is exaggerating the extent of their wmd programs and then "doing the right thing" to curry favor or they are over-estimating the american public's tolerance for occupational pre-emptive invasions.
I watched NOW with Bill Moyer's on PBS, and an analyst explained that, while the deal was "sealed" right before it was announced, the administration was well aware of the direction the talks were going. That is, the deal was made and agreed upon weeks ago.
He went on to say that Libya had already allowed inspectors in before the deal was "officially" announced, which indicated that the deal was already in place before it was announced.
Of course, I don't think it's inappropriate that our government would request Libya officials to aid us in our attempt to make other rogue nations capitulate by holding any announcements in abeyance. I just wish our own civilian population was more aware of the geopolitical machinations other than believing our president is actually scaring the world into submission. One reason I don't like this attitude, as opposed to diplomacy based on mutual respect, is that obediance based on fear is short-lived; it only lasts as long as the one in power is seen to be powerful enough to force compliance.