Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
The most dangerous enemy we've ever had has been "our selves". The open conflict on this board is evident of that. It always seems that when we begin to stray to far from our principles something always happens to reach out and pull us back. There is a predominance of extreme liberal viewpoint - call it Socialist if you like - in some parts of the US. I, like what seems to be a majority , don't think this viewpoint is nearly as large as it appears on this board. Many viewpoints expressed are from people outside of the US who care little for us or the US. It would be nice if people would at least post what country they are from so some of the views can be looked at in context. Actually, it would be nice if you had to post what country you're in. Some of you might not really want to be lumped into the appearance of living on the fringes of our society.
Shit, i'm american and if i'm on the fringe, it's damn nice. If you haven't noticed, the fringe is where most innovation and original thought comes from. As far as socialist, do you mean socialist like the author of the pledge of allegiance, or socialist like helen keller, or socialist like some of the policies that brought us out of the great depression? If so that's fine. I'd rather be socialist like that than the stereotypical greedy short-sighted capitalist.
Whether this whole iraqi business has any long term effect on other rogue nations remains to be seen, either libya is exaggerating the extent of their wmd programs and then "doing the right thing" to curry favor or they are over-estimating the american public's tolerance for occupational pre-emptive invasions.