Help Me Feel Better About Myself
Olrighty! First off let me say that I'm slightlye intoxicateed!
Thatbeing said, I need help. I'm a puss! I'm the little bunny rabbit cowering in the corner, but I got these big shiny claws and I don;t know how to use 'em.
Anyway, so I'm out with some friends tonite and we end up going to theis place called O'Malley's, I knew quite a few people that go there and work there and it was kidn of a lame nite since it was so cold, not a lot of people were out. Well, I see this girl playing pool woith some dude and, sufficed to say I was "smitten!" After a while, I guess it becasme obvious that I was gawking since one of my friends said something. I know she didn;t notice because the place was packed and she never even looked our way, but still. After about a half hour I could tell she was very coordinated, possibly an athlete of some sort, from the way she walked. Seh didn;t smoke. She was drinking water the whole time. (I normally don;t drink either, but I've been dealingwith some shit and that is why my frineds took me out---4 shots of jager and a cou[ple of SoCo's and I'm blitzed). Seh was talking to people left and right and smiling constantly! I mean, I think she was smiling the whole time we were there! She had an awesome smile that incorporated her whole face! Her eyes smiled, she had a dimple on her left cheek, and it was a full teeath smile! Well, my friedns keep raggin' me to talk to her. Usually I don't have any problems, since I'm kinda outgoign, but I was totally intimidated! I mean really intimidateed! I talked to a couple of people and found out she has been there quiote a bit the last 2 weeks, and she goes to college here in town, so I may run into her again. But tonite I choked. My testicles shirveld up and I didn';t do a damn thing. She was even on the dance floor about 3 feet in front of me later when I was asking the DJ about her and I didn't do anything. I would have thought may be the acholocic couragte would ahve kicked in, but didn't.
I thinkk I,'m gonna go to bed and forget about it..
Damn that's alot of typing. my drunken ramblings of a little man!
Well, it feels a littel better to get that out. Thanks for listenieng!