Even after reading all of the above, I'm with Hal, and phredgreens post. I've been told off by the mods once or twice - fair enough. I seem to remember phredgreen having a bit of a go at me a while back, but that's life. If you want to be in a place, you need to abide by the regs. If you don't like the regs, either go elsewhere or speak up and ask why the regs are there, say (in a calm, constructive manner) that you think the regs could do with a change or that you disagree with tem, but be prepared for the answer of "no" to come back.
Personally, I feel that the TFP is a great place - I love it and spend far too much of my time here.
I have one rule I disagree with - the complete ban on posting pics with kids in them. I think it is taking things a bit far. But, I rasied the point when it was introduced, it was debated, and (although I can't remember the exact wording of the reply I got), I was told that the rule was not going to get changed. I was told it had been thought about a lot before it's introduction and it was needed as the privilage was being abused. Fair enough - there are some idiots around who cause rules to be imposed on everyone, even though they may prohibit perfectly legitimate/legal etc actions. That's life - shit happens! If every human on the planet behaved really well and with consideration for everyone else on the planet all the time, there would be no reason for mods and the like, but they don't - thus you have to accept it.
My god - I went on a bit there! Anyway - well done Halx/all the mods for making the TFP great, and I support your rules/regs, even if I don't fully agree with them - you had your reasons for introducing them and I respect that as I want to stay here. I truly in my heart want to stay here as it's a great place!
Lastly, IMHO a mod should make this thread a sticky - it's sometimes too many pages down for people to notice it - I went all the way through the pages because I was bored!