I don't think it's an intentional disrespect thing,men are visual creatures.However,when a man comes bounding into the bedroom with a full on erection that was obviously not caused by any interaction with me,turns off the lights and wants sex immediately.it kind of bothers me.It makes me wonder who he was thinking of to get aroused,I don't feel like anything in the interaction had anything to do with any sort of love or desire for me.I feel like a convient accessory or something not a wanted lover.
I have no problem with porn or masterbation(studies show that people in relationships who get steady sex probably masterbate even more than singles) I just feel really odd and weirded out by
a guy getting all turned on by other people and then pouncing on me in the dark,it feels vaquely like I'm being used like a blow up doll as a substitute or something.
If images on a tv,monitor or magazine page turns you on that's
fine,why not then finish the session with those images and your hand rather than make you partner feel like an inadequate substitute?