It sounds like this dumbass is way too insecure for it to last too much longer. The fact is, it seems your former girlfriend is already aware of the "dipshit factor" in her new relationship, and is looking to see how you feel about things.
I guess the important thing here is: are you over this girl? If you are, then lay it all out there; how you're offended that this jerk of a new boyfriend feels the need to threaten not only you, but others, for no other reason than your association with this girl. Explain that you like her, but in a "friend" way, and that it might be a good idea to keep "dumbo" down south (where his inbred ass belongs) otherwise things could get a missing-person-search-and-rescue sort of way.
If you've still got feelings for her that aren't of a "friend" nature, then tell her that as well. It may be that she's looking for a good reason to dump the new dumbass and get back with a guy she really likes.