Saddam being captured is probably going to have a domino effect througout the world. I hope this is only the first of many!
Here is what he is agreeing to do.,2933,106270,00.html
Libya has disclosed to the U.S. and U.K. significant information on its nuclear and chemical weapons programs, as well as on its biological and ballistic missile-related activities: Libya has also pledged to:
— Eliminate all elements of its chemical and nuclear weapons programs;
— Declare all nuclear activities to the IAEA;
— Eliminate ballistic missiles beyond 300 km range, with a payload of 500kg;
— Accept international inspections to ensure Libya's complete adherence to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and sign the Additional Protocol;
— Eliminate all chemical weapons stocks and munitions, and accede to the Chemical Weapons Convention;
— Allow immediate inspections and monitoring to verify all of these actions