I did an ethics research paper on the issue for class. Circumcision became popular in the mid-20th century (like mainstream popular- it had been gaining beforehand though) for reasons of hygiene. the rabbi i spoke to said that males were fighting in overseas wars (WWI, WWII, Korea...) and getting infections under the foreskin, so to stop these they recomended circumcisions.
SInce then it has been found that circumcision provides some medical benefits, like reduced UTI's, but these benefits can be equalled by teaching the child good hygiene.
So because the medical benifits have been scaled down a lot from what they once were, the only reason other than religious is social. If your having your child cut due to peer pressure on a societal level, you should ask yourself if thats the right motive to do it.
other facts,
-The US is the only country with a majority of circumcised males for non religious reason.
-The trend is droppng, and is currently about 60% for cut and 40% against.
-Because the medical benifits have been discovered to be neglible when good hygiene is taught and used anyway, many insurance companies do not pay for the operation anymore, and parents must pay for it out of pocket. I believe in california its been classified as cosmetic surgery, and the rate there NOW is 30% get cut and 70% do not.
-The head can get desensitized, which can lead to 'lasting longer', but with adequate practice that shouldnt be a problem anyway.
-There are a few instances which circumcision is for medical reasons, but these are fairly rare. These would include something like when the forskin is completely closed up or other kinds of problems.
-before being popularized for hygienic reasons, circumcision was performed on males to reduce masturbation, and it was cut so that the skin would be tight on the verge of painful. This is because masterbation was viewed as soemthing that caused illness and disease. (you'll go blind!) sorta like hygine, but not really. (think late 1800's early 1900's for time span)
IMO the child should get to choose later in life because, although it will hurt a lot more and he'll definately remember, he'll know why he's doing it and for his own reasons.
I'm 'au natural'.
Basically, the biggest problem is when new parents just have a baby and forced into the decision with no knowledge on the issue without time to think on it.
-if you have your kid go natural, just teach him how to clean himself.
-if you get your kid cut, make sure you know why ur doing it.