Originally posted by BigBlueWrecking
In hockey, you can actually have a penalty called against you for diving, and it happens quite often.
Soccer also has a diving foul, punishable by a Yellow card (2 yellows = early shower), and play-acting injuries has been acknowledged by FIFA as a problem that must be stamped out.
Originally posted by bigoldalphamale
with shin guards on and thick athletic socks over them? sure thing.
should i be lucky enough to have at least one male offspring, and he desires to play soccer...i am going to make him play in a dress and carry a purse with him on the pitch. i think he will get the point pretty quick.
Trust me man, when someone goes studs-up on you, you feel it all the way through the thin as hell shin pads. I mean these are not blocks of armour, they are little bits of plastic that as far as I know are just to prevent lacerations of the shin.
You should also be supportive of your son.. it's his choice after all.