Evil is the absence of good
It is in the make up of intention.
People often try to label events, circumstances, objects, etc... as evil.
Not so.
These things just are.
Bad, or harmful events are often tragic and hurt many people, but also they inspire acts of heroism, art, poetry, music, and general human growth and strength.
The evil of 9/11 for intance was not in the tragic loss of life. The first wave of death was devasting, the second wave (the responders... police, firefighters, rescue personal, etc...) was eaqually tragic.
But it must be noted that these people in the second wave died well. They died doing what they felt was their duty, they were there at great personal danger and cost to save whomever they could. They gave their lives saving others. If you were able to ask any of those people they would tell you that this is what they do. They put there lives on the line for the safety of others.
In my opinion there is no higher calling.
Were these events evil? No many people proved to themselves and others that unlimited good still exists in this world.
Were the people who planned the events evil (OBL and his close associates)? Absolutely! They undertook a program which would take the lives of they belived hundreds of innocent people as well as many of their own members (who had no idea what was to happen).
The intention of the actors in the events were evil... the concequences were tragic. Good did not come out of the evil intentions, death did.
Any good that came of this came out of the heart and intentions of the responders, the plane passengers who force down the one plane at the cost of their own lives, the people and volunteers who gave time, money, and went above and beyond to meet the needs of those effected by the events of the evil planners.
Evil cannot be judged by the outcome... it must be judged by the intentions of the actor(s).
Good always conquers Evil.
Last edited by lightning; 12-18-2003 at 08:53 AM..