Originally posted by Pacifier
I would like to see a mobile and quick "UN Response force" so the UN is autonomous from the mood swings of its members. This army would be under the command of the UN and not longer of their home-nations.
I don't believe this could ever be possible. Unless it were to only respond to minor outbreaks against ill equipped "enemies" it would have to be of a substantial size. Countries can build loyal armies because the members have ties to the country. Familial, historical, cultural, and geographic ties. These ties allow troops to come together into a cohesive unit and enable them to fight for the well being of their "brother/sister" soldiers. No way could the UN generate this kind of force. At best they would be made up of groups of soldiers whose primary loyalty would be to their own countries and fellow soldiers from that country, at worst it would be a bunch of mercenaries who join to fight for pay.