Well, I think that politics, like religion, is a belief system. People stake their entire being onto something they can't really prove, and when that is encroached upon, they react defensively. It's not wrong of them to do, because it's human nature. However, human nature is just the excuse we use to not grow beyond our base desires and instincts. A well defined individual will base their beliefs on evidence, not on a label (such as right/left, conservative/liberal, Republican/Democrat).
This is not to say that I am a well defined individual, though I do attempt to be. Its just easier sometimes to fit in with a given label, to bow to the stereotype, rather than to give the energy and time to intense introspection. And after I've given my identity over to that side, I do feel defensive when it is attacked. Hence, my friends, I will defend postures that, given the time to reflect, I would not defend. I am sorry to say this, but despite my mediocre efforts, I remain rather more on the "animal" side of humanity.