Well, surplus military ammo is usually where your best deals reside, but it is also where you'll find such things as steel cases (bad idea) and corrosive primers. Ask whomever you are buying ti from what the country of origin is, what the cases are made from, and whether or not it is corrosive.
For new ammo for plinking/range-time, I tend to buy Sellier & Belliot when I can find it. It is reasonably priced and made by a NATO provider, so it is up to snuff (it is also lacquer-sealed at front and back making it an excellent choice for long-term storage). I also deal a lot with Georgia Arms for professionally reloaded amoo. They make good stuff. For actual carry, I shoot Federal Premium, good, reliable stuff with excellent terminal performance.
I would advise you to be very wary of Chinese surplus ammo. My experience has shown it to be utter crap. YMMV.