Team: Jesters
Jokester 1: Harliquin
Leader of the group, fast and nimble. Modified form of Martial Arts and Gymnastics (GymKata - ouch, what a bad movie)
Costume of Red, Blue, White Diamonds. Carrys a mace that he talks to all the time. (Anyone played Pandemounium? (which I can spell) )
Jokester 2: Prankster
Babe (as in female) of the group. Carrys Yo-Yo's, marbles, and other types of gags. All are weapons. Likes to torment her opponet.
Jokester 3 & 4: Comedy and Tragedy
Twins, but you would never know by looking. Comedy is about 5 feet tall, fights with two rapiers. Very defensive. Tragedy is about 7 feet tall, and best described as a mountain. Carries a really big War Hammer he named TREE. They like to fight tag team.
All of the team wear masks, and look like a bunch of clowns (like the Harlequins from War Hammer)
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.