Why? Because they believe they are right.
That they are wrong is entirely beside the point.
The automatic gainsaying of any opposing point will, if done in an organized fashion (or even in a swarm, as often happens on internet fora), create a sense of inevitability. The truly genius thing about this technique is that it cannot be opposed effectively by turning it back on it self. When one tries that, one "lowers the debate" or gives in to partisanism. It's the equivalent of going negative hard and early in a campaign. The candidate who goes negative first will rarely find themselves on the defensive, and, if properly managed, the opponent will never appear an underdog, merely a scoundrel or weak. This is why the Democratic candidates all regularly bash Bush. They know that if Rove can get them on the defensive, they will never get back up.
Why do liberals hate the Faux News Channel? They distort. We deride. I love the Faux News Channel. I hate that there are some many folks who actually believe it, but the channel itself is pure comedy gold. Actually, trademarking "Fair and Balanced", and then not even making an attempt to hide their bias really chafes my buttocks, and I suspect that's the root of much of the scorn.
seretogis nearly makes a good point, but founders on the assumption that the liberal media bias is a fact, and not a myth. There is no liberal media bias. There is a sensationalist media bias. There is a laziness media bias. The soft pedalling Shrub got during the campaign and the truly brutal distortion of Gore's record by all the sources noted above ought to lay the liberal media bias myth to rest.
OK, time to go to work.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.