If parents want to discribe in detail what mommy and daddy (or mommy and mommy) do at night to their seven year old, that's their right, only don't be surprised if your kid gets in trouble for telling his classmates.
I'm sorry you choose to construe what I said as meaning that being gay was about sex, but you said it, not me.
If you knew how many friends I have who are gay, you would know how silly the accusation is.
You reduced the issue down to sex, at least that's what I gathered from the first quote. I didn't read anywhere in the article anything about the child graphically talking about sex. I have a feeling that if they child did, then it would be part of the article. Well, fair enough, in any event... I would suggest being careful with posts so that you don't accidentally imply something that you didn't mean to. I think it was easy to believe you were saying something that you didn't mean to in this case.
Originally posted by Lebell
Do you three also get po'd when you get in trouble for talking to your buddy in front of customers while discribing how you and the hot chick from the mail room went out last night and you blasted her in the ass?
I would never do that. A) I don't objectify women, B) I don't glorify my sex life for others' enjoyment, C) that's simply poor taste