I think you go to far with the example, alka, the fundys do not represent the power base in the US nor any level of representation anywhere but the fringes. A reasonable person on this very board will attack left wing arguments becuase they percieve it as some threat and have no convincing arguments against it.
Right wingers have done this for years only now normal people have a much more international and varied forum to argue with each other. Whether its stamping down on alcohol or rock n roll or weed, trance music, ecstacy, violence in video, swear words used in music, pornograhy/ art, right wingers percieve something and cannot argue against it effectively, all to quickly pulling the 'threat to children' line that has convinced plenty of parents.
'Bart don't use the finger of death on your sister dear.'
'Its so clean and bland, I'm home!'
"I see you drive on the left side here.' 'No mam I'm just drunk"