Originally posted by The_wall
I think you need to lighten up, pot really doesn't impair judgement as much as something like alcahol does. Its not like we're smoking a 3 gram blunt. We usually smoke something like a pinner (which is a really small joint if you didn't know) and get a nice little high.
The chefs are still more then capable of cooking and keeping up with the orders when they get a little high. And if the resturaunt is really busy they are responsible enough to know they can't waste time to smoke.
Your attitude stinks. If you can't wait until you get home to have a smoke of ANYTHING tobacco or pot and you have to do it WHILE working you have a PROBLEM. Remind me not to go to your restaurant.
I have a friend who is a CEO of a corporation. Obviously he will remain unnamed here. I know he has had a little marajuana now and then despite the laws. Once night he had 2 puffs. THAT'S all. Next morning he's got a friend of his asking him what he was doing the night before. He had called a friend of his who was a guy and who he wasn't amorously interested in to profess his undying love for the guy. AND he didn't even remember making the call. He hasn't had a puff since. He figures if he does things that he doesn't always remember when he's high on the stuff then he could really srew things up. He agrees that it's not as rough on a person as alcohol is but it alters your conciousness enough that he doesn't feel safe doing it anymore.
BTW I've worked dishpit for a decent restaurant. If you want to do your job right you need to be awake - not HIGH. I tried doing it while taking Codine that my Dr had prescribed. My boss sent my home. Do your job and face reality once in a while. You might actually find out your missing something.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.