Originally posted by 2wolves
What facts do you have to support your continuing faith in the existance of Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Almost as good of ones as you have for saying they don't exist. You'd probably have trouble finding weapons of mass destruction in the US at this instance ifd someone didn't tell you exactly where to look and what to look for - But! If ya' really want to know come by and I'll show you where to look - they're about a hundred miles south of where I'm sitting right now.
Any one who can seriously deny that Iraq both had and used them is only kidding themselves. You don't possess something like that and suddenly wake up one morning and decide to turn over a new leaf and get rid of every single thing you had! Not unless you replaced them with something better. The stuff still exists - while it hasn't been found neither has any evidence that it was destroyed other than the small quanitities that were destroyed on television for public consumption just before the war started. I believe that when the fear of Saddam and his henchmen no longer exists that someone will have the guts to come forward and spill the beans.