For some reason I am reminded of my college roommate Kevin who was not only getting his master's degree in Statistics but he was doing it with a bong in one hand.... Literally.
I was shocked and appalled (superflously speaking) because at the time my recreational drug use was isolated to Fridays and Saturdays. He would not only complete all of his homework with a bong on the table but he would also carry on long theoretical discussions with his professors.
Yes, he was an A student.
I guess my point is that marijuana doesn't affect people as harshly as some anti-drug propaganda would have us believe. If you are shocked by other people's willingness to fool a drug test then perhaps you are just easily shocked.
Drug tests exist to enforce the status quo. I truly doubt their effectiveness in combating human error because human error exists whether or not people are on drugs. In other words; people tend to blame their mistakes on something like the pot they smoked -rather than just admitting that they are stupid and would've made the mistakes anyway.