Originally posted by Holo
Microsoft isn't the issue really. it's just fitting that they're the ones doing it. Plus all those posters above didn't seem to think it was pointless.
Making a satement that the "pin-wheel" thing doesn't belong to Hitler is all well and good. But in the USA... and I'm assuming you are in the USA... We don't like anything that reminds us of tragic events. Such as the WWII or 9/11. You understand? It woudl be like Microsoft having a font that involved towers and airplanes. That's gonna piss some people off. You understand? Yes, I know that the swastika wasn't a Nazi thing to begain with... we all know that. But neither were planes. Now, we look at those as a threat to society. Shit changes. So, make your statement but you have to understand no one will allow that symble in American culture because of the history it has.