Man do I remeber them. Only had one bad review, and I got it over turned...
I, and my partner had just designed and built the first online paperless system for this large fortune 500 company....
I got a written letter of comindation in my folder, a promotion, 5% pay raise, and two weeks in the hospital with a stress related heart attack....
When I came back to work my supervisor started in on the pushing to get things done, again. I quietly told him that I was at top speed and it would get done when it got done......the next time he leaned on me I told him that I did not give a shit what he wanted and he could stick the job---etc.
So he wrote me up and was going to demote me...I went over his head and talked to his boss, and he agreed with me and gave him a direct order to rewrite it and get off of my back....
spent 38 years with that company and that was my only bad incident.