theusername: Your grandfather's family was slaughtered by a deranged madman and a brainwashed populace who corrupted an ancient symbol to use as their logo. The logo itself did nothing.
The fact that the Swastika was used by the Nazis should not forever taint the Swastika itself, such that people are scared of drawing it, looking at it, etc. As someone said above: What if the next genocidal conquering army takes the "?" symbol as their logo and slaughters massive amounts of people? The question mark won't be removed from the language, because people understand that it existed before that usage.
Edited to add: In case the above came off wrong, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was belittling the horror done to your grandfather's family, just pointing out the fact that it was people, not a symbol, that did the harm.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!