Originally posted by Lebell
The school district was right.
This is not an issue about homosexuality, it is an issue about what is appropriate to talk about in 2nd grade.
If parents want to discribe in detail what mommy and daddy (or mommy and mommy) do at night to their seven year old, that's their right, only don't be surprised if your kid gets in trouble for telling his classmates.
What a complete load of bullshit.
First of all, No indiction that "what mommy and mommy do at night, [you forgot to add] in their bedroom" was in anyway shape or form mentioned in the article presented.
Even given that this ~did~ occur, the appropriateness of the parenting is questionable, not the actions of the child.
Describing his or her parental units and explaining what it means is actionable by the school? Are you out of your mind?
What is appropriate to talk about in second grade? Do you believe restrictions need to be enacted so 'appropriateness' can be maintained, and 2nd graders natural iquisitiveness can be repressed?
Just because the pathetic excuse for educators and administrators that surface in our public school system, can't handle a situation with a nurturing and or educational slant, doesn't make it a disruption. Failures of educators are just that FAILURES...not student disruptions.
"Disruption" charges levied against a child are a cop out. A pure and simple cop out for a failing public educational system. Since it requires nothing more then an educator saying it...it is also probably fraudulent.
I am with the ACLU and the family/child on this one.
Fuck that pathetic, covering up, self serving school.