Up the River, Down the River is good
Fuck the Dealer
Circle of Death
those are the only ones i play. Fuck the Dealer gets people FUCKED UP really fast. Circle of death is fun.
it combines the rules of a bunch of games, and you can pretty much make up the rules as a group which is pretty fun. the way we play is: get one or two decks of cards, and make a small circle with them.
then the values to the cards are set.
Ace - Take one drink
2 - Take two drinks
3 - give away two drinks
4 - take a shot in the circle
5 - dicks take a drink
6 - chicks take a drink
7 - insert any rule
8 - insert any rule
9 - waterfall (one person starts drinking, and the person to the left starts too. and so on. that person on the left cannot stop until the person to the right of them stops. so pretty much the person on the end gets FUCKED.
10 - thumbs (player who draws card becomes thumb master. whenever she puts thumb on table, everyone else must follow. last person to do it takes a drink)
Jack - Ryme or Brand (player picks word, next person has to either relate to the word with another or Ryme with the word) Toothpaste - Crest - Breast - Tit - Slit - Bit etc.
Queen - never have i ever
King - make a rule (whoever breaks the rule takes a drink) girls kill us guys with the "no swear rule for guys" and the "no saying 'dude' rule"
Last edited by asudevil83; 12-15-2003 at 06:38 PM..