Originally posted by cowudders14
For once I'm supportive of Microsoft (I surprise myself!)
They responded to a criticism by allowing those whom it offended to remove it. Seems about the most sensible option to me! Bypasses all the issues of is it right or isn't it - those who want it can have it. Those who want it removed can do!
I agree. How can anyone say Microsoft is being dumb for allowing the censhorship of it? Note that I said allowed, not forced. If you want it gone, you can have it removed. If you don't care, you don't have to have it removed. If a customer wants a product to change, then Microsoft supplying the change is simply good marketing and customer service.
It would be different if Microsoft were forcing everyone to get rid of it -- but they're not. If it offends you, and I can see how it would some (holocaust survivors?), then download the removal. If it doesn't bother you, then don't. What's the big deal?