Dreggan couldn't believe the fortitude of that warlord. It was still going even after all that damage. Bleeding from the upper part of his chest, the thief approached the fighter once again and prepared to attack. He only had a few needles left (all the others were impanted in orcs and their leader) and his sais were imbedded in the brute's right wrist and foot. Dreggan could only use his Savate skills now.
Gathering his strength, Dreggan kicked up a rock and kicked it in mid-air towards the orc. Smirking disgustingly the warlord easily shattered it with his meaty fist, but realized too late that this was just a distraction for the thief to get closer. Eyes wide, he saw Dreggan coming at him fast and screaming. Blinding pain assaulted him as he felt hard kicks connecting with the needles still imbedded in his face, as well as with the sais.
When the pain subsided, the warlord saw that the sais were no longer in him. He was bleeding freely from his face, chest and wrist. He stood dumb and turned to face Dreggan, who had now retreated next to Vanelee and Nina. Stunned, he watched Vanelee raise his bow and Nina raise her right hand, crackling with electricity. He steeled himself for the coming onslaught.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Last edited by Bob Biter; 12-15-2003 at 03:30 PM..