eh, some people tend to not understand words very well and sometimes it's hard to interpret things into words- all they are are man's developed tools to communicate.
Mantus has me quite misunderstood and I am trying to put together the right words from my thoughts & feelings.
"bored" is a literal term here- "bored" may not be the best suitable word to describe what I was saying.
All I can say is that If I were to just sit here- doing nothing, juat BEing, although I know everything- why not put that everything to use? That's just what God did. He created offspring- Life- Us- and shared (expanded) His exprerience of Him through Us-through Life.
That seems like a clearer description to what I am getting at. As not am I doing this for you to understand me, I want to understand how I feel- as I have been thinking about this topic, I am knowing my self more. I am thoroughly enjoying this.