There IS such thing as truth serum. It is a mix of different salts in the right proportions, it's salt water basically, but takes a scientist to get it right. I have no doubt they'll use it on Saddam.
But, out of all the different torture techniques the one that is proven time and time again to be the most effective is sleep disorder. I am currently in the naval flight program, and for that you need to complete SERE school. It is highly classified, but what I can tell you is when you graduate they have done (almost) everything a real POW camp will put you through. After 4 days of not sleeping you litterally have no idea what is real and what is not. So when someone asks you the exact same question every 5 min you will tell them the answer eventually, your mind just breaks down.
That is why I think it's dumb with all the news agencies asking to know how the interogations are being taken place at Guantanamo. We dont use physical pain torture in the US because 1) it doesnt work 90% of the time, and 2) our culture simply doesnt believe in putting another human being through something like that.