OK, my two cents. And you might not like it.
First of all talk with her about reporting this to the authorities. You can't force her, however does she honestly think she'll be the last girl these assholes will ever take advantage of? The next one, and there will be a next one, may not be so lucky to only have to endure some fingering and a hand job. Have her think about that for a while. Then consider how responsible she is.
If she won't do it and I doubt if she will if she hasn't by now, then you have to get in her face. And get in her face in a big way. You better tell this girl that she's playing in an adult world now. Her circumstances (abusive relationship, underage drinking, car accident) don't mean shit to some asshole is trying to get in her pants. If she wants to keep them out, then stay sober. Don't drink, don't drink on top of meds, don't make excuses for your behavior. You need to give it to her hard. She's lucky that something worse didn't happen. If she can't be responsible for herself in those situations, then she doesn't need to be out. For crap's sake, why do you think the legal drinking age is 21?
And this vow of slience bullshit is just that, bullshit. Its not against the law. Taking advantage of an intoxicated minor is however. If she doesn't tell the authorities, then you need to tell these asshats that you know and that they fucked up. Not confrontational. Just let them know that they are complete assholes. Who cares about offending these pieces of shit? She owes them nothing. Neither do you. Don't take a swing at them but they need to know that you know. And it was wrong.
It really isn't all that hard to know what to do. Doing it may be hard. But its something you and her have to do.