It would be right to go to the World Court because Saddam's sins extended beyond Iraq's confines and includes Genocide. No, the world court does not have the death penalty. But myself, and the vast majority of the developed world are against it anyway. I believe there are worse punishments than immediate death. Let the man rot in an 8 x 8 drafty cell for the next 30 years eating bland food and having the rest of the prison ignomies heaped upon him.
I didn't turn this into a hate Bush thread. I stated some opinions, such as how this won't help Bush get elected much if at all. I did that becuase that is the theme of this thread. The business deals are facts and should be public knowledge. I was hoping for this outcome all along. I want a full and fair trial.
Last edited by Superbelt; 12-14-2003 at 08:15 PM..